With leading professionals involved, firm principles of the CEO, Intercan filed for Limited Liability incorporation and became a Private Limited entity in 1983.

Gradually with the exposure gained by developed markets awareness, the guidance from foreign clients and the determination of the CEO; to continuously improve standards for excellence & growth, the CEO with a reputed list of directors incepted Immaj Holdings (Pvt) Ltd. Forming Immaj Holdings as the umbrella firm to which now Intercan (Pvt) Ltd is a sister concern of. I

Today, the Immaj Holdings Group operates in a wide network; both manufacturing & services sector, spanning from the US to the Far East. From Joint Ventures to market capitalization analytics and manufacturing of goods to trade options, the Immaj group has extended the NPD process of Intercan’s services from packaging goods to a variety of products, all by the extensive expertise of the management Immaj exhibits.

Group Profile

Intercan is sister and associated Company of following major Corporate Identities with diversified interests and areas of expertise, employing over 500 employees starting from highly educated and trained experts, expatriate professionals to dedicated workers.



Urban Development & Joint Ventures

CADCAM Consulting
Large-Scale Project Management Consultation